About Maidstone Music Festival
Maidstone Music Festival is an adjudicative music festival, open to amateur performers of all ages and levels of ability.
It provides opportunities to perform individually or in an ensemble to an audience, and to receive educative adjudication from highly qualified musicians. Performers can choose to enter either competitive or non-competitive classes, or they can enter both. All entrants are awarded a certificate and a personal written appraisal of their performance. Medals can be won in the competitive classes. Although most classes are for amateur performers, those classes marked "Open" can be entered by professional musicians. Maidstone Music Festival also provides exclusive opportunities to qualify for entry into the Maidstone Young Musician of the Year competition, which is organized by Maidstone Dawn Patrol Rotary Club. Details are provided within the Syllabus. Classes are offered within the following categories: Piano Strings, both bowed and plucked Woodwind, brass, recorders Singing Additional instruments Mixed ensembles Solo versatility Contemporary composer Speech Please read the syllabus for more details. Maidstone Music Festival is a member of the Maidstone Area Arts Partnership and is affiliated to the British and International Federation of Festivals for Music, Dance and Speech. . |